Health Services Center

Measles, mumps, and rubella are serious communicable diseases that can spread in close living quarters or in classroom environments. All students who have been admitted and plan to enroll, including transfers, are required to provide proof of immunity to measles (rubeloa), mumps, and rubella in order to complete registration for courses.
The immunization requirements for admission are as follows:
- Proof of having had two immunization shots to measles, mumps, and rubella is required of all students, unless exempt because of (a) actual or suspected pregnancy (measles or rubella vaccines are not required for females who are pregnant); if pregnancy is suspected, a valid certificate of medical exception from a health provider is required until pregnancy is resolved), (b) medical contraindication, or (c) birth prior to 1957. (All medical exemptions require a valid certificate of medical exception from a health provider stating reason(s).
- Temporary waivers may be granted for students enrolled in distance learning courses and/or programs where their time on campus is limited to a minimum number of hours.
Proof of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella must be submitted by one of the following:
- Certificate of Compliance: Submitting a Compliance of Immunization Form or JSU’s Certificate of Immunization Form (see “JSU Immunization Form” link above), documenting a history of two vaccinations to measles, mumps, and rubella (usually given together as an MMR vaccine, but is available separately). OR
- Blood test results confirming immunity: Submitting a copy of a blood test that confirms immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella (Serology confirmation of immunity).
Health Services Center